
About Student Affairs

Sean Van Koughnett

Vision and Mission


Our vision is to be a community for every student to belong, become and contribute.


As partners in learning, we provide our students with opportunities to discover, learn and grow.


We believe in the potential of every student

We support students in fulfilling their goals and aspirations by believing in their ability to transform themselves and our world.

We learn and grow together

We embrace the diversity of our students and evolve and adapt to meet their needs.

We share responsibility and success

We work openly and collaboratively across campus to deliver the best possible student experience.

We deliver

We prioritize and execute on what contributes the greatest value to students.

Total Sources of Funding for Student Affairs: 2023–2024

Student Affairs is supported primarily through compulsory ancillary fees, university operating framework allocation, ministry funding, medical billings and other revenue.

In fiscal year 2024, the operating allocation represented approximately 19% of the total funding sources for Student Affairs ($41.04M, excluding Housing & Conference Services).

Other revenue includes Athletics & Recreation facility rentals, camp registration fees, instructional programming, events, donations and other miscellaneous income.

Current Priorities and Initiatives

Student Mental Health Support

The demand for mental health support continues to increase. Mental health and well-being are key components of overall health, impacting students’ engagement, academic performance and personal growth.

Advancing and Operationalizing Recommendations from the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Review

More students who disclose disabilities are attending McMaster and staying through to graduation, increasing the number and complexity of academic accommodations.

Cross-Campus Strategic Collaborations

The following cross-campus initiatives received Strategic Alignment Funds (SAF) through the Office of the Provost:

  • International Engagement and Student Success
  • Financial Engagement and Empowerment
  • Graduate Supports: Career and Writing
  • TalkSpot: Student Mental Health Support (Led by Faculty of Engineering)