

Students gathered for Fall Harvest Dinner in CIBC Hall.

Annual Fall Harvest Dinner for international, exchange students marks tradition of seasonal gratitude

More than 120 international and exchange students and family members came together for the annual Harvest Dinner, an event focused on communal gratitude and a multicultural celebration of the fall season.  

“It’s overall a very warm atmosphere,” an international grad student attendee shared. “Everybody’s very welcoming here, and I would encourage everybody who’s considering to attend such an event to go ahead and sign up for it. It’s going to be a great time.” 

Staff and Marauder mascot at Student Affairs event.

Highlights from Student Affairs: The McMaster Student Experience

“Every student has potential. We support them on their journey, wherever that might take them,” shared Sean Van Koughnett, associate vice-president (students and learning) and dean of students to a room of Student Affairs colleagues, faculty and staff.  

On Thursday, September 14, the McMaster Student Experience: Issues, Insights and Progress, brought together the McMaster community to celebrate the previous year and explore some of the most pressing issues in post-secondary education.

International students at Ignite program event.

Ignite program helps first-year international students feel at home

Offered by McMaster’s Student Success Centre (SSC), Ignite is a pre-orientation designed to support first-year international students living in residence.

“One of the wonderful things about the program is that we have parents and families here as they send their student off for their first steps in their journey at Mac,” says Sean Van Koughnett, Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) and Dean of Students. “It helps provide reassurance and lessen any anxieties they might have.”